Resources - Seeds of Freedom
Healthy living can take numerous forms; from off-grid living to simply living making more health conscience decisions. We believe YHWH (God) created plants to use for healing our bodies as we abound in the physical world. We support:
- Holistic living and treatments of illnesses
- Modern technology remedies to filtering our water and our air
- Conscious living addressing radiation or EMP energy from harming our natural bodies
- God given right to defend oneself can financially wipe out our lives; hence, consider this resource:
- Balanced intakes of eating and drinking responsibly (the Pharisees called Jesus a glutton and a wine bibber but Jesus exemplified living in a balance)
This page is dedicated to offering resource links and information to healthy options from whole house clean water, to holistic health remedies. We are not advocating to be holistic doctors, but rather, we are sharing what others have done to heal without the use of pharmakia (related biblical terms are sorcery, witchcraft, sorcerer).
God wants us to be good stewards of our resources. Good stewards of our homes. Good stewards of our bodies.
Ask yourself, am I really being a good steward of all that the Lord gave into my hands to watch over?
- Is my body healthy because of right choices or unhealthy because of poor choices that I have made?
- Is my home air and water as safe as I can make it so this temple stays healthy to His service?
- Am I protecting my body from frequency invasion (Electro Magnetic Frequencies from exposure to electronics, which over time harm the body… that body that is to be the living temple of the Lord)?
- Am I right with YHWH in my eating habits? In my drinking habits? In my ‘collection’ habits?
- Am I rightly dividing the Word of God and feeding my mind with the right thoughts, the right conversations, and the right movies or TV, which tell-a-vision, but who’s vision is it? Where is my focus, YHWH or Satan?
- Do I breath in fresh air or is it air I just think is clean?
- Do I drink healthy water or am I just trusting it is healthy without verifying?
- How do I know my food isn’t killing me? How do I know it is healthy?
These are the types of questions we hope you will ask yourself and contemplate sincere answers. Take your life seriously to analyze whether you have been a good steward of what the Lord has given you. Your body, your home, your overall environment.
Disclaimer: Star 7 Apostolic Ministries does not make commissions from anything listed. It is simply resource information for others looking to live in healthy balanced bodies with clean air and water and explore the ways of our forefathers.
Healthy Home Choices
Consider, when is the last time you had the ducts in your home cleaned? How clean is the air you breath? If allergies are a problem, have you considered the environment you live in? A sister in the Lord spends a great deal of time researching technologies that provide improvements to the home environment. These technologies are shared here for the benefit of others, not Star 7 Apostolic Ministries.
Wise Defense Strategy
Things can happen suddenly. Hopefully, we never have to defend ourselves, our family, our property, or even a stranger; yet what if that were to happen? In Luke 22:36, Jesus instructs his disciples to buy swords if they don’t have one (for self-defense). Exodus 22 refers to thieves caught breaking in at night and being dealt fatal blows – the defender is not guilty. Luke 18 shares how a widow obtained justice from her adversary. Star 7 Apostolic Ministries believes that self-defense merged with wisdom is in line with scripture. We cannot control “What if’s” occurring in our lives, however, we can be prepared in foresight with knowledge of what NOT to do and what TO do to protect ourselves, our families, and our property and prevent a single unexpected event from wiping away our life if an intruder makes unGodly decisions and is set on harm. This legal defense link is shared here as a resource for the benefit of others, not Star 7 Apostolic Ministries. This group, U.S. Law Shield will provide free Active Shooter and Situation Awareness seminars to ministries (at least 15 member seminar attendance is preferred).
Strong Community Prepared Networks
It is important to be able to network with trustworthy patriot faith leaders/pastors, and other grassroots groups to promote unity and the sharing of skills of like minded people of faith. We watch and pray about the difficult times we are living in and the tribulations we may all be facing. Many believe a lie that has infiltrated the church body that says the Lord will remove the church before tribulation. That concept simply is not biblical.
The story of Joseph teaches to be mindful of the times we live in and be prepared for the future. Faith without works is dead. Talking about what might happen and what we might need to do is all well and good; however, there comes a point where you need to take action towards preparedness, just like Joseph did. People are so use to having electric and modern day conveniences but what if one day the grid goes down? Can you cook without power? Can you grow your own food? Do you know how to preserve meat without refrigeration? Many experts have discussed the probability of the grid going down. It would certainly be a life game changer! Those not prepared mentally or physically would become quick learners, but their skills may look more like fish flopping around outside their pond!
Could you survive in a world that suddenly was 100 years back in time without modern day conveniences? Star 7 Apostolic Ministries believes the tribulation is at hand and like Joseph, we are preparing for the days ahead. As we learn of products to help us through such times, we intend to provide those links. Again, we do not profit in any way in sharing these sites. We do it to help others.
One such ingenious preparedness product is a Rockpot, which is far better than a rocket stove. Learn more at the RockpotUSA link. These folk make cooking a full meal without a stove possible, and even portable! Another site that may be helpful is 4Patriot. Do your due diligence and look at other sites but here is a 4Patriot site link with many solar options. For long term food preparation for storage, we encourage others to look at the Harvest Right Freeze Drier link.