Bull attack gave Karen 12 days of reflection in the hospital and it took 3 months to walk without a cane. She was blessed to be alive. Hospital staff said she should have been dead. The bull attack cost her:
- the loss of 5 teeth (crowns)
- created nerve damage in her face (God healed)
- contusions in her leg/lung/chin
- created a hole in her leg, 3 broken ribs and a broke vertebrae, and spent a year in therapy.

Never take a day for granted. You never know when your life, as you know it, will change. Karen never expected her bull to turn on her. She had no fear of Zippy, and when he rolled in a pile of goat weed that she’d pulled out of the field, she swat him playfully. Then she saw red… his eyes turned red like a demon had just dropped into him. She realized the atmosphere just changed dramatically, and began to pet him on his forehead and speak softly. The look in his face was different and she knew she was in trouble and she began to back up.
He dropped his head and tossed her body into the air like it was a rag doll. Zippy slammed his head into her side and began to run with her body across an open pasture as fast as he could run. As she felt herself moving while watching the sky blow by, she was trying to comprehend what had just happened. She wasn’t in fear. She was astonished. There had no time to do anything to get away. It happened all too quickly.
For 75 feet, the bull plowed up that field with her body and never lost it. Think on that. A field is not a smooth flat surface; it’s a miracle in and of itself that her body was pushed and stayed ahead of the bull running all that distance. He never ran over her or past her or lost her body to a bump in the surface, and there were plenty of field bumps and curves to the ground. It was as if an angel had intervened.
After the initial 35 ft, he slammed her body under a cross-field fence, and then rolled himself under the fence to go back after her. He then dropped her to the ground again and ran her 40 ft through brush, briars, and small trees. He took out several trees with her body until he slammed her face into a larger tree (breaking her glasses which somehow were still on her face then) and flipped her over some brush. She only had seconds to climb a tree to get above him. By then, all she knew was, he meant to kill her and she needed to get off the ground to be out of his reach.
Remember, nothing ever happens that does not pass through the fingers of God. The Lord has taken her mistake and shown her again, grace. God won’t let her die before the completion of the call on her life. The Lord is using this incident as another part of the testimony showing His divine protective hand. We need to stay united in His wisdom in everything we do. Even in affliction, do all to the glory of God and praise him.